Kathleen McGowan is the New York Times bestselling author of The Magdalene Line series, novels which explore and celebrate the role of exceptional women in history who have changed the world through their courage. Her novels, The Expected One, The Book of Love and The Poet Prince have been translated into over 40 languages and sold over a million copies. She is at work on her fourth novel in the series, The Boleyn Heresy, due for 2013 release.

Kathleen is preparing to launch a new series in e-book format, "Legends of the Divine Feminine", a unique hybrid of fiction and non-fiction exploration into stories from around the world, featuring extraordinary female characters.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We did it!

You may remember in my last newsletter, that on March 22, while traveling in India and Nepal. I made a commitment to raise 50,000 dollars to fight human trafficking and support survivors.  A new shelter is desperately needed to become a home for girls and women who have been rescued from enslavement, and there was a 50,000 deficit in the fundraising.  I pledged, as it was the year of my 50th birthday, to raise the 50k within this year.

By September 22nd, the six month mark of my pledge, I had raised an impressive $28,000. That weekend I was hosting an extraordinary conference for women in Ventura, CA, called The Heroine's Journey.  The theme was epic living, how to have an amazing life and be in service to this beautiful planet we are blessed to inhabit.  At the conference, one of the heroine participants stood up and challenged the others to raise the remainder of the necessary money by the end of the weekend.  And so it came to pass that 70 determined women in a single 24 hour period came up with the additional 22,000 dollars that we needed to fund the shelter!  It was the stuff that an activist's dreams are made of!

And a numerologist's dream as well: Pledge taken March 22.  Halfway point Sept 22.  Amount raised:  22,0000.

THANK YOU ALL so much for helping me to raise this money to keep our girls in the West Bengal region safe and free.  I will keep you posted on the progress.  I have been told that foundation will be poured next week, and I will b in India in January to check out the progress in person. 

To read more about our efforts in West Bengal in support of survivors, or to participate in our efforts, click here:

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